If we listen with a fresh air to the everyday sounds that surround us, we may make some unexpected discoveries. A new program has started that allows us to experience the blessings of sounds through noises in our environment. Good work is accompanied by good sounds, and music for each person is interwoven into every life.
44mの間伐材で作られた木琴に球を転がして、ヨハン・セバスチャン・バッハのカンタータ「第147番 主よ、人の望みの喜びよ。」を故郷・嘉麻市の森の中で演奏。NTT docomoの環境保全活動を伝える為のプロモーション映像をサウンドでデザインしました。
I gave a performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cantata “No. 147 In the love of joys unknown” in a forest in my hometown of Kama City, by rolling a ball on a xylophone made of a 44m piece of timber. I designed the sound for the promotional video to communicate the environmental conservation activities of NTT Docomo.
This is the sound design for when a settlement is made. This combines a preparatory sound that will direct the listener’s attention and a fixing sound when settlement is complete, in the vicinity of the cash register where sounds tend to get confused, in order to reliably communicate the invisible exchange of money. This “consideration” is the theme of this sound.